ZotBins Core
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CFullnessMetricMeasures the fullness of the waste bin
 CIDistanceInterface (abstract) class for mock and real hardware ultrasonic (fullness/distance) sensor. Used to inherit the getDistance method in derived classes
 CIWeightInterface (abstract) class for mock and real hardware weight sensor. Used to inherit the getWeight method in derived classes
 CMockWeightMock weight class that inherits from the IWeight interface class. Used for unit tests so that actual hardware isn't require to test the ZotBins system
 CRealWeightReal weight class that inherits from the IWeight interface class. Wrapper class for the HX711
 CWeightMetricActs as main class, taking in weight interface to allow for mock data and real data
 CCameraTaskTask to measure the camera rate of the bin using the breakbeam sensor
 CClientTaskTask to measure fullness of the bin by using the distance sensor
 CFullnessTaskTask to measure fullness of the bin by using the distance sensor
 CMessageMessage for WiFi message queue
 CMessagePayloadData payload of message
 CServoTaskTask to measure servo of the bin by using the distance sensor
 CTaskAbstract class for tasks to inherit from
 CUsageTaskTask to measure the usage rate of the bin using the breakbeam sensor
 CWeightTaskTask to measure current weight of the trash inside the bin using the HX711 and load cell